Soul asylum

24 08 2010

If the reading on this blog seems a little light in the past week, that’s because I’ve been slacking off.

I seem to have hit some sort of mental wall on the bike.

Friday was a perfect day to ride, cool, a little overcast. Secretly, though, I hoped it would rain.

Friday is a ride day. But last Friday I just wasn’t feeling it. The thought of pulling on my kit and climbing the hills out of New West just wearied me, even though my legs felt good and rested from a fairly light week of riding. With more than 2200 kms logged this summer, on Friday it felt like cycling had become a chore.

Over the years, I’ve learned to listen to that inner voice.

So I headed downtown for a little retail therapy instead.

Shopping may be good for the soul, but it’s bad for the wallet.

As Friday is usually the best day to get things done, run some errands, take care of business, those things usually get put off when I’m on the bike for four or five hours. But take a Friday off, and they’re all unleashed in an orgy of spending that left my debit card slightly melted.

Retail therapy may be good for the soul, but it's bad for the wallet.

With fall imminent and another Euro trip booked for October, my most pressing need was some new clothes. Hello Banana Republic. There was also a scouting trip for new eyeglasses and the long walk to the fancy bike shop for blue handlebar tape.

Yes, I walked everywhere; at least I got some exercise to assuage my guilt.